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Average nationwide gasoline price on Friday was the lowest for

Average nationwide gasoline price on Friday was the lowest for

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Can your current smartphone be any smarter? Sure it can, if the device knows how to better understand its surroundings with the help of internal sensors. Qualcomm's Project Gimbal does just that for app developers. Here's a peek at how Paramount is using the technology.
Some new graphic novels and comics nod to holidays past and those to come. Let the new tales and some classics unfold.
Viktor Orbans government has faced a united opposition and unusually sustained street protests after it increased the cap for overtime to 400 hours a year. Saudi Arabias role in the killing of a journalist is creating uncomfortable dynamics for sports officials eager to feed the kingdoms growing appetite for sports events. EXCLUSIVE Jorge Griffa is holding court in his elegant Buenos Aires apartment in the upmarket district of Recoleta. Griffa is an icon of Argentinian football and his office is a shrine to his life. The ring rain that falls into the gas giant is so abundant that the icy bands could disappear in 300 million years, or even sooner. So many people give expensive cars as presents that gift sales can make up 10 percent or more of December sales for luxury auto dealers.
U.S. and Norwegian oil majors Chevron and Equinor have become the latest target of activist investors moving to force five of the biggest oil companies to commit to fixed emissions targets and align with the Paris climate agreement. The F.D.A. issued warnings to a California company, and said unregulated treatments will be subject to more scrutiny. Excess heat in Phoenix grounded more than 40 flights in recent days, and scientists say a warming climate could also mean more turbulent rides.
Not long ago, Brodie Van Wagenen was an agent, grumbling about a lack of offers for free agents. Now he is a general manager, maybe ready to do some gambling.
David Chao, a former team doctor for the Chargers, has become a popular in-game analyst on Twitter from his couch. But is it responsible for him and others to diagnose from a distance?
A controversial study by two British academics has said that schools that ban dreadlocks and braiding hairstyles are using slave-era techniques to maintain white supremacy. Suerte in East Austin shows what it can accomplish with local, seasonal ingredients and the corn-based dough that is a cornerstone of the cuisine. John Sarcona, 19, spent the better part of 17 years in and out of operating rooms to stabilize his spine as it twisted due to scoliosis and kyphosis. Surgical reassembly of his back lets him stand tall.
A new statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents of young children to go for high-quality traditional toys rather than elaborate digital ones. Spiced onions and plenty of melted Cheddar make for a cozy, flavorful pasta. Welsh electrician Royston Leonard, 55 from Cardiff, Wales has colourised these incredible photos of how US soldiers made trees, gave out presents and marked Christmas during WWII. U.S. President Donald Trump will remain in Washington through Christmas "due to the shutdown," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Saturday.
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