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The Australian Open, which starts in January, joins Wimbledon in changing the format of deciding sets for next season. Our top photos from the last 24 hours. An Indian family rose to the heights of power and fortune in South Africa with the help of eager officials in the legendary party of Nelson Mandela. Carell and Mann star in Robert Zemeckis's "Welcome to Marwen" alongside doll versions of their characters. Rough cut (no reporter narration) The unauthorized appearance of albums on Spotify and Apple Music raised questions about services that have long been seen as bulwarks against online piracy.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY NIK SIMON If youre worried that sport is being stripped of its personality, then an hour with Thorley is enough to change the opinion of the most Grinch-like judges. Official figures show almost 66 million painkillers were dispensed in 2017, up from 51.5 million in 2007. Here, Dr Michael Dixon champions non-drug alternatives. At least 20 people died in Indonesia on the islands of Java and Sumatra when a tsunami struck areas around the Sunda Strait late on Saturday following a sub-sea landslide caused by a volcano, the government's Disaster Mitigation Agency said on Sunday. Airlines are adding seasonal nonstop flights that will help cut down on the travel time between the airport and the beach. In Catholic school, I learned about compassion. Some Christians must have missed that part. About 45 million people in the US wear contact lenses and researchers are begging them to stop sleeping in them because forgetting to take them out could lead to bacterial infections. A strange journey to the glitter factory.
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